
During pregnancy the body undergoes a number of huge changes which affects both your posture and the stability of your joints.  This can result in back pain, pelvic pain, painful joints and muscle spasm.  In fact up to 50% of pregnant women will experience back or pelvic pain.  For many women it is also the first time they will experience "bladder weakness" due to the huge strain on the pelvic floor muscles.  Other common difficulties include Carpel tunnel syndrome (pain and numbness in the hands), rib flare pain and rectus muscle separation (seen as doming on the front of your tummy on movement).

Copyright © 2012 Womens Health Physiotherapy. All Rights Reserved.
"One in every three women will suffer from women's health problems during their lifetime."

"50% of pregnant women will suffer from back or pelvic pain during their pregnancy."

"NICE recommend pelvic floor muscle training for all pregnant women."

"43% of women do not know how to do a basic pelvic floor contraction correctly."
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All advice and treatment is given by an experienced women's health physiotherapist who has had specialist training to deal with issues related to pregnancy safely and effectively.

Contact us at Womens Health Physiotherapy today and arrange your assessment.
Womens Health Physiotherapy, Warrington